The Warren Buffett Archive is a free online website designed by Warren Buffett, arguably the single best investor of all time. What makes the archive so impressive is that it is constantly being updated, bringing new and useful information to its users on a daily basis. Many people don’t realize just how incredibly prescient Warren Buffett was. He had a vision that almost every person could benefit from today and did not hesitate to put his money where his mouth was. This site is designed to help you do the same.
Besides the archive, the site also includes an annual shareholder meeting, which is always packed with excellent material, as well as a library consisting of some of the best quotes and greatest investments of the investor’s life. There are sections where readers can post articles they have written regarding topics such as education, general investing, stocks and bonds, as well as wide ranging topics such as international investing, real estate and even tax strategies. Some of the articles on this collection of articles deal with a wide variety of topics, such as how to start an investment business, tips for saving for retirement, as well as how to pick out a winning trading system. There are also sections that focus on individual stocks, as well as indexes that are broken down by category.
The site is full of wonderful pictures, and one of which features a famous picture of Warren Buffett. Although the site is very comprehensive and contains a lot of useful information, it does feel a bit incomplete if you do not know about certain stocks and investments. This is why the author offers the “How to” section with an explanation of various concepts such as compounding, dividends, and other terms that you may not understand completely. In addition to having an excellent stock market lesson library, the Buffett Archive also includes a newsletter that provides interesting information on a variety of topics related to the stock market, as well as frequently asked questions.